The press of England has spent time and effort speculating and commenting on ex-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's handbag. To quote "The Times" in June, 1982 written by Julian Critchley, "She...tends to believe the worst of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. She cannot see an institution without hitting it with her handbag..."
It's obvious that the press equates Margaret Thatcher's handbag with her assertion of power and the ability to impose her will. If you look closely, you will notice that her handbags closely resemble the Queen Mother's handbags. Is is because both of these powerful women choose the same type of bag or is Ex-Prime Minister Thatcher deliberately mimicking this female symbol of ultimate authority in her country?
Negotiations are underway for the famous handbag to be placed in a museum that houses Winston Churchill's papers and historical documents from the War. There is no indication that Mr. Churchill's wallet is stored in this prestigious collection but, then again, Margaret Thatcher was the first woman to impose her powerful presense (and pocketbook!) on 10 Downing Street! .... Click here to a great handbags estore