There are so many handbags on offer, how to select the one that would complement your figure and go with most of your outfits? See fashion expert tips.
What purse style would work best with your figure?
Never mind the current fashion: your handbag should first of all complement your figure. A tiny purse on a largish woman looks a bit silly. But even though large bags are in fashion now, don't go overboard, otherwise the bag will distract attention from your person. See examples of how to match purses to your figure.
If you are slim and tall, go for a round or square shaped purse. If you are not very tall, a bottle shaped handbag would look best. And, of course, a not very large backpack works perfectly for any figure.
Most handbags have adjustable handles, so make use of them. Large bags should never hang at the level of your hips: if necessary shorten the handle, so the bag comes to your waist line. And if you wear a backpack, it should not hang down over your backside: adjust the handles so it is just above your waist. This looks better, doesn't put as much pressure on your lower back, and forces you to keep a good posture.
What color should you choose?
These days handbags are very colorful. Of course, this means that you can no longer have just one bag that would go with any outfit you wear. However, if you wear a lot of blue, orange or green, a matching color purse would make your outfit complete. Fruit prints are currently ?in', with the most popular being cherries, peaches and apples.
As far as prints go, a plain, one-color handbag is more practical as it is easier to match with your clothes. However, if you wear a single-colored dress, adding a bright, multicolored handbag might be a good idea.
Also each season of the year favors different handbag colors. All greens are very popular in spring, while red and orange are often seen in autumn. Winter favorites are white and all shades of blue.
And, of course, black is still a classic, which goes with any outfit. Brown handbags, too, are still popular although they are not very practical: a brown bag would only work with brown or beige clothing.
What are most fashionable purse materials?
Leather is always a classic, and it works for any situation and with any outfit. However, other purse materials are fashionable now. Fabric bags can look very stylish, as well as a mix of fabric and leather. Straw bags are simple, and create a great look for the summer. Moreover, since straw looks very natural, it works well with a summer outfit of any color.... Click here to a great handbags estore